Did you know that well-being is a muscle?
Just like any muscle, it will atrophy unless you exercise it.
Did you know that mental, emotional, physical, and social health are interwoven?
So working out and eating well are only part of the picture
of health. We also need to exercise our mental, social,
and emotional fitness.
Pulling from interdisciplinary research, we've identified 6 nervous system states for health and belonging. These states correlate to the 6 nervous system states for emergency reactivity.
Once we understand that certain emotions are tools to support our well-being... all that's left is to know how to voluntarily and intentionally flex these well-being muscles.
"When I use the 5 portals, it's like I've found the remote control to my
brain, body, and emotions."
We've asked over 3,500 people. Click yes or no to participate in the survey.