Leadership & Human Resources Teams

In increasingly complex times, employee wellness is a primary concern for organizations.

  • Mental health conditions cost employers in the US up to $193.2 billion annually in lost earnings.
  • Workplace stress costs U.S. employers $500 billion annually in lost productivity.

We predict that our easy-to-implement, trauma-informed training and toolkit for leadership teams will buffer and boost employee wellness, leading to:

  • A reduction in stress
  • A reduction in employee sick days
  • Improved well-being and engagement
  • Improved employee retention
  • Improved workplace culture

Find out more about training your team to provide their humans with the resources they need.


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"We don't have to be therapists to be therapeutic." — SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services)


We train leaders, managers, and human resources teams to be stewards of their organization.

  • What does it really mean to be a leader of an organization?
  • How do leaders foster their employee's productivity and well-being?  

We support employee wellness by providing strengths-based tools for emotion regulation and self-management. 


Inquire about our programs